Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is it a cake or a pie?

It's both. (And it's 1800 calories a slice) It's an apple pie baked inside yellow cake on top of a pumpkin pie baked in a chocolate cake..with buttercream icing of course. Who thinks of these things?? They call it a Pumplecake, which is the grossest name I've ever heard.. What do you think..Great idea? Or too much??


Sunday, October 24, 2010

More playing..

After washing and drying the dog toys, we took them back to their home in the toy basket...
As always, Pookie immediately ran to the basket and pulled them out one by one..

Jonathan loves taunting the dogs with their toys by squeaking them repeatedly. It drives them crazy!
And by "Drives them crazy" I mean they LOVE it. Speaking of 'Love'.. I love my pomeranians so much :) I'm convinced they are the best breed.
Pookie gets really focused whenever treats are around. He even knows how they are spelled. I can say T-R-E... and before I can even finish he flips out and starts running in circles.

Family Portrait

This isn't just any family portrait.. It's a group picture of some of the most important members of our family...the dog toys! (Don't Judge..) We just washed them all so I thought I would take a picture. If you don't have dogs you are probably thinking I am pretty weird right now (Ha..Or maybe even if you do have dogs) but me and Jonathan have a special bond with our dog toys. We even name them..

Top row -The Favorites: Rabbit, Magenta, Fluffernutty, Cobalt (Has seen better days)
Middle Row: Monkey #1, Monkey #2, Lambie, One legged bear (Used to be in a bumble bee outfit..)
Bottom Row: Genghis, Long-legs (Squeaker has been ripped out), Shamu

Rainy(ish) Sunday

Boo boo is in trouble right now and has been sent to his kennel. We caught him eating Raven's cat food (which upsets his stomach..)
Meanwhile Raven is outside in the back yard chillaxin..
....Until he is spotted by the pookster.
Which results in a confrontation :O
They both ended up dropping it and going their seperate ways. It was entertaining :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's (almost) the most wonderful time of the year..

There's one thing I look forward to every year around this time.. And No it's definetly not Halloween, it's Christmas! I know you are probably thinking "Christmas? Already?" Yes! My Holiday Season starts right now (as soon as it gets even slightly cold or breezy..)
Me and Jonathan always buy holiday smelling Yankee candles every year at this time. Today we got Harvest and Spiced Pumpkin. They smell delicious! (I could seriously eat them..) We just lit them both and are about to watch "Home Alone 1 & 2" :D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I heart bargain shopping

Last Saturday I went with Shelley and Lindsay thrifting. First we went to Goodwill where I found a brand NWT JCrew cardigan for $7! Thats not even the good part... I decided to sell it on Ebay and it currently has 3 bids at 24.99 with 12 people watching it and 1 more day. Even if no one else bids I still made $18!

So then we went to Milkspiller, a vintage and second-hand designer clothing store.
Where I found this adorable top...

The designer is Romeo and Juliet Couture. It's one-shoulder (which I love). The fabric around the bust gathers to the top where there are three adorable flower buds. The shirt retails for $138 but I got it for $12 AND it's NWT. It's probably my new favorite top :)